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Echo the Gospel: Support the Sound

Together, we can make the Gospel's message move in melodies.  Your support amplifies the mission to bridge hearts to faith, and find endurance in Jesus Christ.

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"Come" paints a vivid picture of a future where humanity stands united in covenant with God, the song captures the essence of communal harmony and spiritual awakening. The lyrics, rich with imagery of ascending mountains and nations rallying together, evoke a sense of purpose and belonging as Believers. Musically, it blends solemnity with an uplifting chorus that compels the listener to envision heaven coming down amidst a world of conflict. Come is more than just a melody; it's a call to action—a reminder that in the face of adversity, there's a higher ground we can walk. Its message of peace, coupled with the notion of a collective journey towards enlightenment, makes it a timely anthem for those seeking solace and strength. "Come!" isn't just heard; it's an invitation felt deeply that resonates with the longing for a brighter, unified tomorrow.

Brand New

"Brand New" is a heartfelt song capturing the journey of self-renewal and spiritual rebirth. It expresses a deep longing for transformation, groundedness, and a more profound connection with God. Through its verses, listeners are taken on a path from internal turmoil to finding solace in grace, ultimately culminating in an unwavering declaration of faith and commitment in the bridge. This song is an anthem for all seeking a fresh start and a deeper relationship with their spiritual essence.

These Tears Will Never Stain

Navigating through life's trials and tribulations, Dorshan offers listeners a personal journey into the realms of redemption, love, and spiritual resurgence. The centerpiece of this soul-stirring collection, "These Tears Will Never Stain" has been justly celebrated, securing the 2023 LDSPMA Spark award in the Religious Music category. Newcomers to Dorshan's music will discover a harmonious blend of vulnerability and victory, with a  a melody that crescendos into an anthem of hope. This is more than just a song; it's an affirmation of faith's transformative power in the midst of life's darkest moments.

Honest With Me

In this soul-stirring track, Dorshan delves deep into the intimate yearning God has to commune with us. 'God You Are Honest With Me' stands as a testament to the divine invitation to draw closer, reminding listeners that God's honesty isn't to be feared but embraced. His truth pulls us away from harm and towards salvation, offering us a sanctuary in times of doubt. As the song unfolds, it beckons the soul to revel in the profound protection that comes from understanding and enjoying God's unwavering love and truth.

Current Releases

Across her musical projects, Dorshan threads a narrative that's both deeply personal and universally resonant. Her compositions, spanning "Brand New", "These Tears Will Never Stain", "Honest With Me", and her newest release "Come" eloquently encapsulate her individual testimony of the gospel.

Each song, while unique in melody and theme, converges on a singular truth: the transformative power of faith and God's ever-present hand in our lives. "Brand New" speaks of rebirth and renewal, while "These Tears Will Never Stain" lays bare the grace of redemption, and the recognition of God's unwavering patience. While "Honest With Me" extols the constant, protective nature of God's Holy Spirit.  Inviting those who have ears to hear - to take refuge in His words; not fear them. To trust the gathering process.  

Beyond the simplicity of her lyrics, Dorshan's work resonates because of its authenticity. Her songs are not just hymns of praise but are heartfelt reflections on the entirety of the human faith journey - with its peaks, valleys, doubts, and moments of divine clarity.  

Her genuine portrayal of the human faith experience, in all its varying stages is what makes Dorshan's work profoundly relatable.  In these moments, listeners can let go of their fears and be encouraged by the uncomfortable spaces in the expansion of one's faith.

*all projects can be found on major music platforms 

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